By the way, when I tried to Google a picture of "withdrawal" to add an image to this scintillating post, these came up:
Vertical Withdrawl Unit (check out the handsome fella in the high-waisted draws):

I'm assuming this has something to do with being submissive, but since both of these fellas looks a little light in the loafers, I can't tell which is the bitch:
This just made me go "WTF" since I don't follow politics... I think it's Dubyah, but the Wentworth Miller cut is throwing me off a little:

And this just proves the miracle that is Google image search:

True dat.
Speaking of withdrawals - Dunnski and I took Twinkie to Fuji for sushi for lunch today. After two pieces - she was hooked. She IM'd me later in the day asking what corner she could find some more more on. Yeah, the first piece was free, now, it's gonna cost her!! Sushi is not a cheap habit, trust me, I need an intervention!!
OMG I LUV SUSHI! She was a sushi virgin? YUM!
Grrlllll.....we have GOT to do lunch!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where have you been all my life????
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