Sunday, November 18, 2007

Blog Tagged, again.

Suzanne blog tagged me, which is great for NaBloPoMo. I can usually fill in any blanks with words -- it's the curse of being a professional writer; however, no one said what I write has to be good outside the pages of the magazine.

So blog-tagging is a great way to easily fill space and, hey, I can always talk about me -- although finding something I haven't already discussed is hard.

Five Things You May Not Know About Me

1. I have anosmia, honest to God. That's a clinical lack of smell, in case you didn't know. I've only smelled two things in my life -- rubbing alcohol if I put my nose in the bottle, and a rubber spatula that had fallen to the bottom of the dishwasher and burned to the metal spinny thingy in there. I've never had a sense of smell -- basically, the connection between my nose and my brain is disconnected, so farts and apple pie smell alike to me. My sense of taste is OK, although I have trouble discerning spices, the subtle nuances of wines or flavored coffees, etc. Candles and perfume are lost on me, and I rely on Bill a lot.

2. I've never seen "Steel Magnolias." Hey, I know what happens at the end, and who wants to watch Julia Roberts die?

3. Favorite movie? The Goonies and Spaceballs. Yeaaahh, I don't try to figure that on out, either.

4. I spend my summers on an island in Minnesota. My grandparents owned three cabins on Ely Island on Lake Vermilion in Northern Minnesota. It was pretty rustic for about the first 10 years, and then they added a sauna, washing machine (no dryer, though) and electricity. And satellite when it became available. I swear to you it is the most beautiful place on Earth, and I loved every minute of it and cherish every moment. We've seen bears, deer and fox, and the same ducks used to come back year after year for cracked corn. There's nothing quite like the taste of fresh small-mouth bass fried in cornmeal and served with fried potatoes on the front porch of our cabin.

5. We're trying for another baby, and have been for the past 16 months. All the traveling makes it hard, but we're having fun in the process!

So, now I have the pleasure of tagging someone else to tell us 5 things we don't know about them and, of course, it's CHARMED!


Suzanne said...

Considering what you do for a living, it's probably good sometimes that you have no sense of smell. That test kitchen would beg you to come visit more frequently!

Anonymous said...

Awwww.....a baby!!!