Thursday, November 8, 2007


As if it isn't embarassing enough that I'm hooked on Gossip Girl the show, I'm now bidding on eBay for the books.

However, I will win, because I have a credit card and determination to kick 16-year-old ass. Is there a 12-step program for weaning one's self off utter crap*?

* Add boxed wine, Halloween candy and Trader Joe's wasabi mayonnaise to the list of things from which I need weaning. Oh, and Wentworth Miller. I have a lot of hang ups...

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

How sad is it that I've still got 140 in eBay earnings from selling those costumes and I'm out scoping BOY SCOUT UNIFORMS?

I did look for the Tripods DVDs, but they're all region 2. Now you made me realize I should go looking for the Marian Keyes and Katie MacAlister books I don't have in my collection.

I dumped the cable while out on disability, since it doesn't affect me. Gossip girl? Do tell!