Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ok, seriously. Have I missed something?

Because I'm not getting the whole Spice Girls reunion thing.

I mean, I liked them aok the first go around, but they were pretty harmless, like Bonnie Bell lip gloss or New Pepsi. But I'm not real sure why the "reunion" was necessary, other than VicBeck's aspiring reality TV career (and JEEZUS, my CAT could have a better reality TV career than this broad) was all for naught and she needed some way to make a splash in the US...

Seriously, people, WTF. Why not give Milli Vanilli* or Vanilla Ice** another shot?

* Yeah, I know one of 'em's dead, but damn.
** Still hawt. Shut up.


Suzanne said...

Posh still looks like she smelled a skunk. The bank accounts must be getting low-they're doing a reunion, the Jacksons are going out on tour, Journey announces a new lead singer (again). Yawn

Anonymous said...

Don't Hate

NH Yocal said...

I agree. There is no reason for this; we had to suffer through it the first time. The girls need to seriously leave spice in the cabinet where it belongs. BTW: why didn't they have nicknames like Cumin, Paprika, and Cayenne?

Dunnski Love said...

Oh Posh. Why you no smile?

Gypsydoodlebug said...

Because my foot's up her ass and it hurtz.