Alas, I did not win a prize for National Blog Posting Month; however, I now carry the satisfaction of knowing that I am huge nerd for successfully blogging every day for a month for absolutely nothing.
hey doodlebug...wazzup with yo momma? Joe-boy said she's laid up bad. Why am I always the last person on this planet to find these things out?? Jeez louize..I even read your blog and there's nuttin in there about your dear old momma in the hospital.
I'm a 34-year-old mother of one and wife to the world's biggest nerdboy (World of Warcraft, anyone?). I work as a trade publication editor (who gets paid to travel and eat pizza, hence the hips). I've never been to the Kentucky Derby, never been deep-sea fishing or to Scotland. But I HAVE swam with dolphins and been in a national commercial. So I don't completely suck.
I'm the winner-I got to experience your sarcasm and wit every day for a month! Woohoo, my plot worked!
Well, I got that going for me. Who needs a sock monkey, anyway?
I don't want no scary sock monkey. A trunk monkey, yeah, sock monkey, no.
hey doodlebug...wazzup with yo momma? Joe-boy said she's laid up bad. Why am I always the last person on this planet to find these things out?? Jeez louize..I even read your blog and there's nuttin in there about your dear old momma in the hospital.
Fo shame... You lose 4 blog points.
Aunt B...(
(808) 381-5154
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