Now, I'm just waiting for the cough syrup I just fed to BooBerry to kick in -- she woke up with a cold, poor baby -- so she'll go to sleep sans sniffles in her new velour princess nightgown. Then it's champagne for Bill and I as we spend the evening putting decals on this:

The real question of the evening is how we're going to get all those presents past Boo's room -- I'm not sure who's Bright Idea it was* to hid them in the office closet, but she's a light sleeper. Thank you, Tylenol Cold, for the added benefit of diphenhydromine** on this fine Christmas Eve.
* OK, mine.
** Why haven't parents caught on to that in the past?
Is that the Disney Princess Enchanted Tales Magical Talking Vanity I see? Very nice.
Hmmm, I remember those from my Disney Store tenure. We'd sell out Thanksgiving weekend every year, and then get two dozen calls every day afterwards looking for it.
Drug induced sleep-I like it!
I kinda like this single story floor plan. Our room is on the other side of the house from the boys. It makes it easy to move the gifts.
Bring on the gaming nirvana!
NO FAIR. I want to be in a drug induced sleep!!
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