Why? Why you gotta scrape my teeth so hard? I mean, c'mon! Give a girl a break. I went to the dentist yesterday for my twice-yearly cleaning and jeesh. I felt like the dental assistant was MINING FOR GOLD in my mouth. There's a lot of silver in there, sugar, but no gold. Unless, of course, you're Flava Flav, and there IS a lotta money in that grill.

BTW: I totally deserve a standing O for today's lunch. We had pizza at the office and I scraped the meager toppings off a pepperoni and tomato pie* and ate five hot wings that were not even breaded and ordered especially for me by my office buds. Yay me! Yay them! This was, of course, after I stepped on the scale to find myself down 10.3 lbs. today. Nobody can tell, but I'm sportin' my Tommy Hilfiger jeans that were too tight earlier this spring (Well, I can't actually stay this, since they ended up in the back of my closet and I forgot about them.)
*I ate one tiny bite of the crust. One.
Woot! Woot! Awesome job on the 10lbs!! Have you tried the South Beach Cinnamon Raison cereal bars? Tres Yummers!!!!
Der, Raisin isn't spelled with an "o". I knew I should have drank my lunch.
Raisins are on my shit list. There are five things I wouldn't eat even if they were a reward on Survivor and raisins are one of them.
[I know you're dying to know the others: yams (freakin' nasty); beets (wrong color. Just wrong); White Castles (SLIMY!) and meatloaf.]
I'll have to see if I can find a different flav, tho. And why aren't you sharing your liquid lunch???
Have you ever been to Mitchell's Fish Market? There is one at the Summit. They have the most divine drink called Sun Splash, Grey Goose L'orange Vodka, Grand Marnier, fresh squeezed orange and club soda. Mmmmmmmmm
And yes, they have peanut butter, chocolate and one other flavor, I can't recall at the moment. I am too busy thinking about the Sun Splash!!!
I don't know if I ever mentioned, I think your hubby works with Twinkie. She and I are friends. She introduced me to your blog.
And me to YOUR blog!! Bill does work with her! LOL!!
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