Tuesday, August 14, 2007

That's what friends are for.

I sent this link to my brother, Scott an avid motorcyclist, this morning:

Japanese Biker Unknowingly Loses Leg, Continues Ride

Now, we all know that FOXNews likes splashy stories of no relevance whatsoever to the average American public. Why else would a freak accident in TOKYO be news here? We're talking about the company who had Paris Hilton's release from jail as its TOP STORY for, like, two days and thinks Angelina Jolie giving up her bisexuality for Brad is front page news (personally, I think that's a fair trade, but if she wants to revert back to her "nefarious" ways, I'd be happy to take him off her hands).

Still, this story made me think. Apparently, this Japanese biker hit a wall, it severed his leg, and he kept riding for another 1.2 miles. (WTF, dude? Whatever you're on, you need to share it with us white bread Americans because it must be some GOOD SHIT.) The icing on the cake? A companion rider stopped and picked up the guy's freakin' leg. Now that's friendship.

Scott said he'd already seen the news story, and clued me in to an AIM session he had with a buddy of his this morning (and you know how much I love posting his AIM messages. You can't make this shit up):

[09:01] SCOTT: what a friend...

[09:02] SCOTT: you lose a leg and you better call someone cuz I ain't touchin that thing

[09:02] C: hehe... you know how he noticed right? he stoped at a light or something and went to stabalize the bike with his legs and fell right over

[09:02] SCOTT: this ain't no tarentino film

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