ME: poligamy is awesome
ME: it's the dress. if I wore that dress I would be hot, too
JOSH: automatic turn on
ME: do you think they make their own butter?
like the Amish?
JOSH: i know where they make their own butter
ME: where?
JOSH: in their vagina
ME: no -- they've always got babies up there. no room
JOSH: makes for easy delivery
ME: good point
ME: this is the most inane conversation ever
JOSH: buttered poligamy vaginas are everyday talk for myself
get with the program
let's go talk about it at the water cooler
ME: we should.
ME: pass on the poligamy love
Josh would so fit in at this house!
I want to IM with you too!
I am jealous.
The young one has a bit of a "Children of the Corn: The Early Years" look about her.
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