Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I had a HIDA scan (Google it yourself. I'm too lazy and/or wallowing-in-my misery to do it now) and a CT scan on mah gall bladder and liver respectively.

The good news is that my liver is not completely pickled by vodka and wine.

The bad news is that my gall bladder is functioning at 11 percent* so it has to come out. OMG. So I have to combine my lady surgery with my gall bladder.**

Completely. Lame. Remember that I have to have a Xanax to get the wires changed on my braces. You can get a good picture of how I'm going to handle this.

* Seriously? WTF? How am I not dead?
** My brother wants to know if he can have a piece of it. Because he has a potions spell that calls for "the organ of a bitch." And now you know why I am like I am.


Suzanne said...

Yikes, woman! How have you been surviving with that kind of gall bladder function?

At least you get both surgeries over with at the same time. My suggestion is LOTS of Hydrocodone.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Red Stripe and Vicoden.