Saturday, April 19, 2008

I swear to God...

... if Bill doesn't take me to see "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" today* as promised I'm going to completely go ape shit. Every movie I've wanted to see lately he has said "ehhh" to (admittedly, he and I do not share similar tastes in movies. Unless Katherine Heigel somehow managed to turn into a ninja WHILE blowing shit up during a 90 MPH drag race WHILE being chased by aliens in "27 Dresses," I didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting him to go see it with me).

The last movie I saw in the theater was "Enchanted." (Which, BTW, was fabulous. I've been breaking out in to song in the park for the past 6 months, but nobody seems to want to sing the chorus with me. Go figure.)

We're also going to go buy a new vacuum today. (The last big purchase we made was the Toro last summer -- a huge, overpowered man tool known as a lawn mower. Bill had to go get gas for it, so he parked it on our front walkway so all the neighbors would see it and know we had a new lawn mower and be totally jealous. I swear, I expected the menfolk on our cul-de-sac to stand around it, scratching their balls and spitting while proclaiming what a beautiful tool it was.) OF course, we're going to Sears to buy the new vacuum, and Bill will deny me my shopping rights**. Dammit. What's the point of going to the mall if I can't peruse the merchandise? Stupid men and their stupid man tools.

UPDATE: We've talked ourselves out of going to the movie because we will not get to dinner until 8 p.m., and a hungry Mandy is a hateful Mandy. So instead, we're going to hang out at the house and then go eat an early dinner and maybe rent JUNO at the Red Box.

* Paul Rudd is spankalicious.
** I'll have to turn the Whine-O-Meter up if I want to go to Old Navy and the Gap.

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