Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Also, forgot to mention ...

... Gossip Girl was back with an all new episode last night, and my girl Blair did not disappoint. Really, if you're not watching this show, you're missing out –– I can't fathom this world (oh, please. Like LOST could really happen, people.) of extreme wealth and MY GOD these kids drink. A lot. I didn't taste a martini* until I in my twenties and had a hard time choking that first one down** because it tasted like perfume infused with olive juice. Seriously, their livers must be positively pickled by now.

I sure wouldn't want my kid watching it ... but hell, I'll watch a test pattern*** obviously.

* Because I? Was missing out.
** Not a problem now. Or is it...
*** Paradise Hotel 2 is NOT the original.


Anonymous said...

OMFG! I can't believe what Jenny did! Can you? And she still managed to get back at Blair! Good stuff, I can't wait until next week.

Gypsydoodlebug said...

I KNOW!!!!!! And that little girl whose mama's dress got stolen is FUGLY. I guess when you have money you can run in the right circles, girl!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap. I can't believe that poster. This is on prime time? At 8:00?