Saturday, April 5, 2008

Being a parent sucks sometimes.

So, we got the magic blue letter that told us that Boo has been accepted into the traditional program (before you get all excited, it's a lottery process -- 425 preschoolers applied and they accepted 96). The only problem with the traditional porgram here is I think it's paper and pencil, and Boo is not a paper and pencil child (I don't think. Hell, I really don't know. She's FOUR.)

Meanwhile, we're still trying to get her hardshipped into the super awesome local elementary school where she's already enrolled in preschool (a strategic move to try to get her in in this fall). It's a mile away, but it's not in our stupid cluster (thanks to being one of only a handful of municipalities that still follows desegregation. Explain to me how this school is ONE MILE from our house, but the wealthy families who live 15 miles away can send their kids here. Yeah. THAT's fair.)

We're still not sure how the Supreme Court decision handed down last June is going to affect us, but Bill and I are all for the idea of neighborhood schools since she'd be able to go to Super Awesome School automatically instead of the ninja way I'm trying to slip her in now.

Nobody told me how difficult being a parent would be. And I only have ONE KID.

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