OK, some kid named Josiah introduced my curly-haired luv MIKA to the American audience (and, seriously, if you're living in a car and auditioning for American Idol you got mad skilz, boy).
I don't know why, but I've loved Mika for a while and to see people Googling/Youtubing/iTunsing Mika just for AI makes me slghtly ill. Like the time Alexis* told this kid named Raf that I liked-him/liked-him instead of just liked-him in the fifth grade. But I'm over it**.
* Her daddy's in jail for tax evasion or fraud or something. Fucking bitch. NOW who has their birthday party at the local swim club, hmmmm?
** No.
You liked a kid named Raf? Like as is Raffi? Or Rafiki?
I think it was Rafael. He was hot for a fifth grader.
Plus...liking "Grace Kelly" as much as I do makes me feel a little like Wentworth Miller.
Then that would make you HOTNESS and NOT GAYNESS.
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