Friday, February 1, 2008

"It's not you. It's me."

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately -- my laptop at home is on the fritz. Again. (BTW, doesn't the word "Fritz" bring to mind some hottie Nordic ski instructor you meet on vaca but never get up the nerve to talk to? Not that that's ever happened to me*.)

Like this guy, y' know, except not gay.

I've started walking on the treadmill downstairs now that Bill has hooked the tv down there to satellite. "Lost" is definitely the BEST show to get lost in while you're attempting to burn calories (and, seriously, 40 minutes on a treadmill for, what, 230 calories? Pfft.) Still, I can't help but feel exercise is OVERRATED when I step on the scale after walking 2.5 miles the night before to find the needle UP. Not. Fucking. Fair.

Also, Callie? Has been in heat. WTF? We had her fixed in November! Apparently, she was going into heat when we had her spayed (we didn't know! She was, like, Jaime Lynn Spears young. A baby!). The vet said this could be A) leftover hormones or B) a piece of something that got left in. Nevertheless, it has been horrible. At first, we thought she was hurt; later, we realized (thank you, Google) that the poor thing was just lookin' for some sweet lovin' down by the fire. If I even spoke her name, she presented. Yikes. (And don't Google how to soothe a cat in heat. There's nothing "soothing" about it.)

So that's Mandyland's Week in Review. I leave you with these photos I received in an e-mail from my sorority sister, Sara. They might've been around for a while, but they bring new meaning to the phrase "right place at the right time."

What I wanted to do to Callie all week...

Replace the boat with World of Warcraft,
and that's what I'd do to Bill.

Check out the guy in the background.
Think he's checking to make sure it's still there. Yep. It is.

WTF? Was he four-wheelin'
on the way home from Home Depot?

Somebody doesn't like his new step-mommy.

* No, really. It hasn't.

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