Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gays everywhere should be offended.

While surfing Amazon this morning, a link to the right of the homepage is showcasing "Gay Pride" apparel. I thought to myself, "Wow! How progressive of Amazon!"

So I clinked the LINK to the Pride apparel.

Now, I'm not so sure how the Amazonian big-whigs sitting around a boardroom table came up with some of this shit, but if I were gay*, I would totally be offended. How presumptuous of the company to assume that these clothes are preferred by the gay community (granted, the douchebag community would love many of these pieces, but I digress...).

* Oh, Wentworth. (sigh)

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Wondering about how most of those baby onesies have anything to do with being gay.

The swimwear looks like stuff Borat would wear...