Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Damn. Mars wins this round.

Found this quiz on another blog. Bill hates it when I blog about him, so I thought I'd add fuel to the fire:

1. Who is your man?...... William F.

2. How long have you been married?....... 6 years as of 10/6

3. How long dated?...... We dated for 14 months, then were engaged for another 18 months

4. How old is your man?...... 33

5. Who eats more? ..... Him, but I'm the bigger snacker

6. Who said "I love you" first? ...... Him. It was an accident, and he was mortified the moment it came out of his mouth.

7. Who is taller?...... Him.

8. Who sings better?...... I pretend I do, but he has a fabulous voice.

9. Who is smarter? .......Book smarts: Him. Common sense: Me.

10. Whose temper is worse?...... Oh, my lord, mine is. I have Irish in me somewhere.

11. Who does the laundry?...... Probably 50/50. He usually puts it away, though!

12. Who takes out the garbage?...... Him. It's usually heavy!

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?..... If you're looking at it? Me.

14. Who pays the bills?...... He does. I kept the checkbook once for a couple of years, and we ended up with an $800 surplus (thanks to my keen arithmetic.)

15. Who is better with the computer?...... But it's his JOB, you know.

16. Who mows the lawn?..... (Damn. Who wrote this quiz, some dude hoping to make his wife feel like shit?) He does. I don't even know how to turn the lawnmower on.

7. Who cooks dinner?..... Probably 70% him. I suck at cooking. Or he grills and I do side dishes. But I usually clean up.

18. Who drives when you are together?...... 50/50. If it's a long drive, him. But I'm the WORST SIDESEAT DRIVER EVER. (At least I admit it.)

19. Who pays when you go out?..... Whoever gets the debit card out faster.

20. Who is most stubborn?...... Both, but probably me.

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?...... Usually him. Because I am never wrong.

22. Whose parents do you see the most?...... Mine. They're just closer, and they watcch BooBerry often.

23. Who kissed who first?....... He kissed me first. It was in Barbados, and "A Fish Called Wanda" was on TV.

24. Who asked who out?...... He asked me. We were in Barbados on a trip for our graduate studies. I thought he meant when we got home, but he meant right there!

25. Who proposed?..... He did. We were at Slugger Field or whatever they call it. It was on the big scoreboard.

26. Who is more sensitive?....... Me. I get my feelings hurt very easily.

27. Who has more friends?...... I'm not sure about that one. Probably him.

28. Who has more siblings?...... He has a brother and a sister. I have a brother. Again, Bill wins.

29. Who wears the pants in the family?...... Him. But I pretend I do.


YESH said...

You keeping the checkbook makes me nervous for your family.

Gypsydoodlebug said...

At least it wasn't a deficit.

Unknown said...

Mind if I borrow this?!

Gypsydoodlebug said...


Hey, what's your blog, BTW?

Suzanne said...

mine is www.suzannesez.blogspot.com

I borrowed and realized that the boys would laugh hysterically that you're Bill and Mandy.