Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Tomorrow, BooBerry will receive a Terrific Tiger Award for Politeness and Good Use of Manners on her school's weekly telecast.

(Myself? I do not see it. She must reserve that shit for skool.)

Still, ahm a proud mommy. I'll be there tomorrow when she gets it. Am takin' off work.


So, tonight, we were snuggling in bed as she was about to go to sleep.

ME: BooBerry! You're getting an award tomorrow!

BOOBERRY: (looking perturbed) I know, Mommy. I'm going to be on the telecast. My friends will all see me.

ME: BILLLLLL! C'mere! (I'm amazed at her use of the word "telecast.")

BILL: (coming into the room) What?

ME: BOO! Tell Daddy! Tell him you're getting an award tomorrow!

BOOBERRY: (sigh + eye roll) It's not a real award. It's just a piece of paper that somebody wrote on.

Tell me it gets better from here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No. It doesn't.