Saturday, September 8, 2007


About 6 weeks ago, I repotted my waning Christmas cactus. When I dumped out the old dirt, it was FILLED with ants (and ant eggs). Oh, man, it was so freakin' nasty. Whoops. Repotted it in a bigger pot with some potting soil, and nearly the next day had some shoots. Yay for me, I thought.

Except, I later learned that what started to grow is PURSLANE, an edible weed being cultivated as an herb/vegetable or something. I just know that is prolific, and has some pretty pink flowers that bloom early in the morning and shrivel by mid afternoon.

The Christmas cactus has, of course, bit the bullet, although I can't really pull it out of there. There's a bit left in the bottom right of the picture.

Anyone want some purslane? I'm really kinda afraid to try it, being that there is that whole death thing that comes with being adventurous...

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