Monday, September 17, 2007

Prison Break = WTF?

OK, so clearly I should have re-watched the last couple of reruns of "Prison Break" on FOX, because I CLEARLY have no idea WTF is going on on this show. Despite the fact that Wentworth Miller is my (gay. Shut up, Josh) boyfriend, I kain't for the life of me remember whut happn'd (in the immortal speak of T-Bag) las' season.

And WTF happened to Sarah Tancredi? They just showed her BACK tonight, and she isn't listed in the she a gonner?

'cause that? Will PISS ME OFF.

And this prison? IS HELL. I'm actually feeling SORRY for Bellick. Ew.

Am I the only chick watching this? (Wentworth Miller stalkers notwithstanding ... and you bitches better back off because I WILL TOTALLY CUT YOU.) Y'all weigh in on what you thought of tonight's season premiere...

1 comment:

Ryan The Intern said...

Wentworth Miller is my generation's Jim Nabors.