Saturday, March 1, 2008

Three Days of St. Amanda.

Glitter Words

It's like Hanukkah, without the dreidels.

My birthday is on Monday, which is a stupid day in the first place, but the festivities get underway this evening when Bill takes me to Limestone for dinner. Tomorrow, there will be brunch at Wild Eggs with his mom, then Taco Soup tomorrow night at my mom's (it is my favorite meal in the whole world). The gang at work will take me to Famous Dave's for lunch on Monday. (Bill has to teach that night, so there will not be any activities Monday night.)

Plan accordingly, and feel free to light a candle and raise a glass in my honor over the next three nights.


Ryan The Intern said...

It's not really a party unless you and your friends dance on a futon and sing Franz Ferdinand together.

Suzanne said...

Where's that party? I'm in, and I'll bring some wine, too! :)

Happy Birthday, Mandy!

Ryan The Intern said...

Happy Birthday for real now!