The girls totally got the haul tonight. One house handed out homemade fudge to the parents. And that? Kicked ass.
Unless it's made of Exlax. Which would suck.
I was there for a guided ghost tour on Halloween morning in 2002. The place was FREAKY. All the windows at the back of the building were busted out and glass crunched under your feet. There was a definite feeling of sadness around the old TB hospital. TAPS visited in Season Two and caught some great footage. I can't wait for the live version!
Dunno what's going on here. BooBerry was probably planning on launching herself off the platform into the alligator-infected waters off Tom Sawyer's Island just as he was about to take a picture of her. I was working that day. Nice placement of the leaves near his new Asics, tho.
Not sure what BooBerry said to Snow White here, but it must have been scandalous. Maybe TMZ needs to hire BooBerry for her mad gossiping skilz, yo.
Simple WTF shot. Random pic of random computers.
The ass end of an elephant. Just in case that's the one picture you were missing from your "The Ass End of Miscellaneous Animals of Disney's Animal Kingdom" collection. I heard it was limited edition.
Finally, the crown jewel: Me. Thoroughly pissed off at standing in the longest WDW line I've yet to encounter -- The Haunted Mansion (my fave) on the busiest Saturday I've ever seen. I did NOT want to be there. Which is obvious. Good times.
BooBerry was intenting listening to the opening music at Magic Kingdom... BooBerry and Daddy wait for breakfast at Crystal Palace, which included:
Breakfast lasagna. I want to roll in this and lick myself clean. This was my favorite picture of the whole trip. That's Bill in the orange shirt with BooBerry on Goofy's Barnstormer. I tried to be brave (it is a mini-rollercoaster, afterall), but alas, I chickened out in line...
Yargh! Two pirates battle it out following Pirates of the Caribbean.
Find the BooBerry...
Check out this goat ... he reaaaallly wanted the plastic bag in my hand. (By the way -- I've never been hotter than I was on this day. Seriously. I had to spend $6 on ponytail holders just to get my sticky hair off my neck. I love Animal Kingdom, but I swear it is the hottest place on the planet.)
We really need to work on BooBerry's hand placement while taking photos. (Bill was jealous.)
Trying Beverly, an Italian appertif, at Epcot Center. Coca-Cola sponsors an icy cool drink center with free samples of sodas from around the world. Booberry loved the little cups.
Josh of *91 fame joined us for dinner at Ohana -- I can't think of a more girly drink than a lemon drop (except maybe a cosmopolitan), but that's what he ordered (street cred, bro, street cred). I got this fruity-tooty thing because I've always wanted to drink something out of a pineapple. That's now something I can check off my to-do list...
Josh, nearly comatose after the copious amounts of food we shoveled into our mouths.
A great family shot. Now, if BooBerry and I can just work on Bill to let us go back next spring...