Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday + Broken Foot - Crutches = Bad Idea.

Started out at 5:45 a.m. Hit Wal-Mart first, figuring since they opened at 5 a.m., the greatest rush would be over. I managed to pick up the My Size Barbie BooBerry doesn't need, plus a copy of 101 Dalmations (I'm not sure if we have it -- I'll have to have Bill go digging in DVD Land to see).

The checkout line was PACKED -- about -10 people deep (amateurs), so I snuck into the jewelry department and breezed right through.

Then headed to the mall and found a handicapped parking space. I hit the Disney Store first and got a sweatshirt for me, a small art kit for BooBerry, wrapping paper and a cape all for $35 (they had 20% off until 10 a.m. -- score!)

Then I stumbled over to Bath and Body Works and traffic was picking up a bit. I somehow spent $119 but got, like, $300 in shit I don't need. BUT, I picked up Bill's Nana's gift, so it wasn't all me.

By now, I was beginning to regret leaving my crutches in the car. I limped down to Old Navy and got a new velour sweatshirt (I'm living in them with my bad foot & crutches) and an argyle sweater for the dog.

Thanks for the sweater, Mom!

By now, my foot was starting to THROB. I had one last stop to make, and of course it was at the farthest wing of the mall. I managed to struggle down there under my packages and bought facewash for Bill & I.

I had a LOT of trouble getting back to the car. I could literally FEEL the break in my foot -- the two slices of bone. Pretty painful.

Still, I was home by 8:15 a.m. with a large bag of McDonald's sustenance for breakfast, and was back in bed by 10:15 a.m. I completely TORE UP my foot, but hey -- the dog got a sweater, so it wasn't completely for naught.


songbird's crazy world said...

you've been tagged

YESH said...

DOn't do shit for the rest of the weekend! WE HAVE RENO IN TWO DAYS!

Suzanne said...

Owww! For the record, I still feel the break in my toe four weeks later. You did much more damage.

Shopping is OVER for now!