Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I am old and broke down.

I got a letter from my doctor last week that said my thyroid was off and I'd need to be put on Synthroid. I'm not surprised –– everyone up to and including my teenaged cousin and my uncle on my maternal side has thyroid issues. (Do not google thyroid, BTW. The pictures of goiters are gross. Also, when I think of goiters, I think of the poster of the little African kid who had a humongoid goiter on his neck that hung on the wall in my 6th grade home ec class. I am still scarred from that. Thanks, Jeff Co. Public Schools.)

But I digress, as usual.

Aside from my raging thyroid, I found out that my right fallopian tube has a major blockage and I'm being referred to a "specialist"*. That explains why we've been unsuccessful with the whole second baby thing. I won't pretend I'm not devastated, but we have one perfect child, and maybe fate says we should use the money we'd spend on IVF or other fertility treatments and buy a Disney timeshare. Or finish the basement. Oh, the possibilities.

I feel so old and broke down. The only thing I need now is a hip replacement and treatment for bunions.

* Read: expensive


Anonymous said...

So that is the moth balls smell from over the cubicle

Anonymous said...

At least you are not 38.