Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ike kicked us in the ass.

Topiary got knocked over.
It usually does. We just left it down.

Light either got knocked over or blown over.

Down spout bit it.

I brought the cushions in off the front porch after I found them against the railing. They were probably safer in the 75 mph winds than from Miss Shedsalot.

Oh hai, gale force winds! Let's all go outside!!

Our ONE limb that came down. And it was already dead.

Bunnies fall down, go boom.
Also, one seems to have lost its ass.

When the winds subsided, Bill pulled out a
kite his mom brought back from China. It was lovely!

I can haz escape route?

Tropical Depression Survival 101 Must-haves:
1973 battery-powered radio; toenail polish, Coke Zero; paperback smut & cell phone.

Boo and Baby K color in the grass.
(K's my BFF's 20-month-old daughter.)

When the going gets tough (and dark) the tough give their
kids sticks and puffed sugar and put them in front of open flames.

Texas, I'm so sorry (Daniele and Beth, I'm thinking of you!). Also, Florida. And Louisiana and all the other states who know how to handle this shit. We lost power for 36 hours in my neighborhood, and it was fun for a while, but we were all packed to go to my mom's when the power came back on about midnight last night. My thoughts are with those cleaning up right now.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had FUN!

I 2nd the thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by IKE.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm bored. You have electricity now. What about an update? I need something entertaining to read.