Friday, September 4, 2009

I stared down death. Death won.

So Tuesday, I was heading down Taylorsville Road headed into work. I was minding my own business, talking to my Mom on my iPhone when suddenly an ambulance to my right changed lanes in front of me.
With an old guy propped up on the back. And an EMT administering drugs to an IV.
The old man had glasses on. They magnified his bug eyes. He stared at me THE WHOLE TIME I waited at a stop light. (Damn stop light was, like four hours long).
When the light turned green, I attempted to move into the right-hand lane, you know, so I didn't have to stare DEATH IN THE FRICKIN' FACE for another 10 minutes. I put my turn signal on, and no one would left me over. A**holes.

Thou shalt not change lanes.

I finally had to let my mother go on the phone. I couldn't concentrate with that Andy Rooney look-a-like watching my every move. Thank God for sunglasses.

I finally had to turn. Sh*t was freaking me out. I was all like, "Here, death. Here's my soul. Now let me change lanes."


Ryan The Intern said...

I scrolled down too far and thought the picture was the top of the post. So I see the picture of death and "I finally had to let my mother go on the phone. I couldn't concentrate with that Andy Rooney look-a-like watching my every move..." as the beginning of the text.

And thought it was the meanest thing I'd ever read on the Internet.

Gypsydoodlebug said...

My Mom thanks you for that. She already likes you anyway.

Also, I strive to find the meanest thing on the internet.

Haven't found it yet.