Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A Word About Fast-Casual Mexican...

I love me some Mexican food as well as the next chica. Mi favorito es El Nopal, a local chain with great salsa, the best chips on the planet and, well, some watered down margaritas on Mondays and Wednesdays.

With that said, I have to say, QDOBA TOTALLY SUCKS.

Tonight, Bill decided to pick up Qdoba in lieu of Mo's Southwest Grill just to mix things up, and I was SOOOO disappointed. First, I got a naked salad, which any way you look at it is going to be BO-RING. One would think a bone dry salad would be as lifeless as it gets; however, Moe's does a pretty good job of at least making it palatable. From Moe's, I get lettuce, salsa, chicken, black beans, black olives, cucumber (AWESOME!), a (sprinkle) of cheese and cilantro. Top it off with (one container) of the chipotle Ranch on the side and some sour cream from the fridge and I'm good to go. Their salsa bar is TA-STY, too, although I have to admit it would be nice if the company introduced some MILD. I like spicy as well as the next girl, but it's never pretty when my nose runs down my face.

Ok, so from Qdoba, I got: lettuce; a measly 1/4 c. of some dried out, tasteless chicken; some black bean salsa that looks like it came from Costco; some tomato (I think. Should tomato be pink?); a bunch o' white dressin' that was spicy and unflavorful ... and that was it.

Granted, Qdoba was about $4 cheaper total for Bill, Boo-Berry and me, but I would SOOOO rather pay the extra for TASTE. It's pretty bad when AFTER you finish a Qdoba meal, you go digging in the frige for leftovers...

An upade about my ring...

I didin't get it, but I DID get...

A brand new 2006 HYUNDAI TUCSON!! Have I told you how much I love my husband?

P.S. I'm still gunning for the ring for Christmas.

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