Wednesday, June 27, 2007

How Dorks Fly Under the Radar...

Like Bill, my brother, Scott, is a certified nerd. Oh, sure, he drives a motorcycle and has a hot job as a business analyst. But underneath that cool exterior is a card-carrying Dungeons & Dragons-lovin', board game-playin', puppy dog-kissin' dork. Here's further proof of the fact that people THINK he's awesome, despite his feeble attempts to confess otherwise. It's an IM between his friend (who's a girl) and him:

[12:52] J: know any BA's? [Me here -- this is short for Business Analyst.]
[12:52] Scott: not really. all my friends are developers.
[12:52] Scott: they're slowly steering me to their direction
[12:53] Scott: i'm too nerdy to be a BA
[13:01] J: Oh yeah, I need the url for your fileshare with all the music. I seem to have lost it.
[13:02] J: speaking of nerdy. But you don't listen to nerdy music. and your funny. and social. and you really arent' into self-loathing.
[13:02] J: you're funny
[13:03] Scott: But I play world of warcraft and I get depressed when someone outrolls me on my loot. Like just last night the shard of the virtuous dropped and it's like the best healing mace in the game and this druid rolled on it too and won and like I was so sad.
[13:04] Scott: *crickets*
[13:04] Scott: heh
[13:04] J: you made that shit up. you were riding your bike, drinking and/or making beer and having sex with your girlfriend.

Nuh uh. I can totally validate that THIS is the real Scott, J.

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